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Ecumenical Commission for Human Development

is an independent, non-profit, non-political, inter-domination, Christian non-governmental organization, establish in February 1999 to eliminate poverty, disease and ignorance among the people of Pakistan. It works in partnership with the people of all walks of life regardless of age, color, gender, race, religion and an ideology.

Our vision is to induce a change in mentality about love, peace, justice and development to be brought about the broad field of social education modeled on the life style of Jesus Christ who is our Savior.

Our mission is :-

to create awareness, develops, demonstrates and disseminates in Pakistan, innovative programs to eliminate poverty, disease and ignorance by providing information and resources to empower the poorest families, indigenous groups and disadvantage communities to become self-reliance.

Our goal is to integrated human development of each person, which induces focus on a mentality concerning the life style, the dignity of humanity, the dignity of work, rights and duties of all persons.

Our objectives are:

To promote love, peace, justice and sustainable development among the poorest families, indigenous groups and marginalized communities
To create awareness about poverty, disease and ignorance in poorest families, indigenous groups and marginalized communities
To provide comprehensive services in different aspects of life devoid of any discrimination, race, age, color, gender, religion and an ideology.

We focus on assisting poor communities to take control of their lives as part of a sustainable process and have adopted a multifaceted approach towards attaining the goal. We are using a right-based approach through advocacy and capacity building of communities so as to address the structural causes of poverty, disease and ignorance and not just the symptoms.

Our values are:

Mutual respect, recognizing the innate dignity and worth of all people and the value of diversity
Equity and justice, required us to work ensure that everyone irrespective of sex, age, race, color, class and religion has equal opportunity for expressing and utilizing then potential.
Honesty and transparency, requiring us to be accountable for the effectiveness of our actions and opening our judgments and communications with others
Solidarity with poor and marginalized people, so that our only bias will be a commitment to the interests of the poor and powerless
Courage of conviction, requiring us to be creative and radical, without fear of failure in pursuit of the highest possible impact on the causes of poverty
Humanity, recognizing that we are apart of a biggest alliance against poverty and requiring our presentation and behavior to be modest

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